Portugal maintains 3th place in the Global Peace Index
This year, Portugal maintains its place in the top 3 of the safest countries in the world, just behind Iceland and New Zealand.
The report by the Institute for Economics & Peace released June 10, 2020 also reveals that Portugal ranks first among the safest countries of the European Union, far ahead of neighboring countries Spain and France.
The report can be consulted at: http://visionofhumanity.org/app/uploads/2020/06/GPI_2020_web.pdf

This 14th edition of the Global Peace Index, which classifies 163 independent states and territories and covers 99.7% of the world’s population, reveals that the global level of peace has deteriorated, in a world in which the conflicts and crises that emerged in the past decade have started decreasing, being replaced by a new wave of tension and uncertainty as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The significant steps that Portugal has taken in recent years in terms of security, have allowed the reduction of crime and, consequently, the gradual and consolidated rise in this ranking. Good to remember that Portugal ranked 18th in 2014, moved up to the 3th spot in 2019 and maintained its excellent position in 2020. Meanwhile neighboring country Spain ranks on position 38 and France dropped to the 66 th position.
Combining the peaceful lifestyle of the country with the mild climate, stable democratic political system and the friendly and welcoming people, no wonder Portugal is considered an excellent destination for travelers from all over the world and people dreaming of living in a sunny country in Europe!
Feel free to Contact us in case you need help with your property search in Portugal or with planning your trip!